
January 30, 2023

The Benefits of Using a Compute Module in Your Embedded System Design​

A compute module is a compact circuit board that contains a computer processor, memory, and other components, designed for use as a building block in the construction of other devices, such as single-board computers, embedded systems, and network appliances. They are usually smaller and lower in cost than fully fledged single-board computers, as single board computers contain IO-peripherals designed by the developer of the board.

Compute modules are commonly used in industrial servers, gateways, edge computing modules and smart hubs. Due to their small size and large amount of computing power.

Factors to determine when you should use a Compute module in your design

1. You are just out of the prototype phase and working towards your first product design.

You have completed your prototype using a single-board computer numerous wires, development boards and jumpers. And now you want the versatility of a custom embedded system without the hassle of designing a full single-board computer yourself. The cost of components or the complexity of the design may be too much for this phase of your project.

By utilizing a compute module, you can create a baseboard with your desired IO’s and hardware peripherals, and integrate the module into your design. This ensures that the processor and memory are from a reliable and validated source, freeing you from those concerns. This way, you can concentrate solely on integrating the larger system design.

2. You might need flexibility in CPU power or memory size.

As the hardware engineer, you have designed a PCB board capable of mounting a compute module with some IO’s attached to it. During runtime, only simple operations of reading and writing will happen. Selecting the lowest spec’d compute module from a series will probably suffice. For example, in the case of Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, that would be the version with just 1 GB of RAM.

However, if your client suddenly requires a lot of data retention and demanding constant calculations based on incoming data with local control, you may find your design lacking in RAM storage and slowing down. The beauty of using a compute module is that you can easily upgrade your product without affecting the peripherals. For example, you can switch to a compute module with more RAM, such as 2 GB, 4 GB or even 8 GB, to meet the increased demands.

With the Raspberry Pi compute module, the only option you have is to change the amount of RAM available for the compute module, but with other manufacturers like for example Variscite there is also the option to change the processor based on the same designed footprint. 


By using a compute module in your design, you can reap several benefits:

  • Reduced Costs – Compute modules are typically less expensive than fully fledged single-board computers.
  • Improved reliability – The processor and memory in a compute module come from a tested and validated source, giving you peace of mind when it comes to these key components.
  • Versatility – A compute module provides the versatility of a custom embedded system, allowing you to design a baseboard with the IO’s and peripherals you need.
  • Scalability – If your project requires more CPU power or memory, you can easily upgrade the compute module without affecting the peripherals or baseboard.
  • Reduced Complexity – Designing a full single-board computer can be complex, but by using a compute module, you can focus solely on integrating the larger system design, without worrying about the processor and memory.

In conclusion, compute modules are a great option for anyone looking for a flexible and scalable solution for their custom embedded system. With the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, you have the option to change the amount of RAM, and with other manufacturers, you also have the option to change the processor based on the same designed footprint. 

At the time of writing, we are still facing global of the component shortages. And the Raspberry Pi compute modules are hard to get your hands onto. But personally can’t wait until that is over and I can easily integrate it into new hardware designs.

Posted in Compute Modules
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